
The transformation you get when you work with us with intentionality. Heal from past hurt, mindset shift, learn how to set boundaries, gain confidence, boldness, know your purpose, take actionable steps to living your best life while making impact and letting your light shine brighter in your corner of the world.

Divorce Coaching

Begin your healing journey so that you can live your beautiful life.

Divorce is a very difficult process. Anyone that goes through divorce needs to heal so that you can move on to live your best life with the best version of you.

Life Coaching

There is more to your life

You do not have to do life alone. Seek help to make the journey easier and faster. Your best life awaits you. 


What next?

Need help in which direction to go in life? Book a consultation call.

Join our thriving community

Learn, grow, accountability, thrive

Get in our Stellar inner circle of like minded people. A safe space where we learn from one another.

Schedule the action call

15 minutes complimentary call

Investing in yourself is one of the best things you can do to do.  In the first 7 minutes of the call, you will be glad you did.



1:1 Coaching

You know you are ready for your transformation by fast tracking your healing journey with my tried and true  HOPE framework.

In the program I am your coach, mentor, advocate, a shoulder to cry on, encourager and so much more.

Stella works with only five women privately at a time.